Better Business & even Better Biscuits

Better Business & even Better Biscuits

On the 2nd February a large gathering of businesses, industry movers & shakers and digital media experts will converge for the Better Business Show at Worthing’s Assembly Hall. And Spicer International will be there!
Oh yes, we’ve got our stand booked, sharing it with our friend and client, the lovely Heather Barrie from Harrie’s Coffee.
Mmm. Coffee…. and biscuits.
We’ve had our display banner and flyers designed and delivered by the excellent Face Media Group.
Face. Mmm. A face full of….biscuits.
Our promotional films have been fine-tuned in the editing suite to play on rotation throughout the event.
Mmm. Suite, suite biscuits.
And we’ve ordered our Spicer International cake toppers to sit on top of our complimentary….Biscuits!

But never mind them right now. What can we actually look forward to at the Better Biscuit Show? Sorry. Business show. Business.
Well, there are over 60 stands in the exhibition hall offering presentation, promotional and networking opportunities.
Mmm. Opportuni-teas and biscuits

There’s FREE support and advice for new and growing businesses. And free biscuits. Don’t forget the biscuits.
Ssh! Keynote speakers – well known faces off the telly, no less – will be sharing some of the secrets of their success for inspired recipients to digest.
Mmm. Digestives.
And there’s a Google Digital Garage featuring top tips on how to make your business more visible online. Hmm. Can’t think of a biscuit-related link here.

But never mind! Because now I get to mention the surprisingly energised discussion the office shared when the subject of which biscuits we should take to the show emerged. In fact, the office hadn’t seen such desk-slamming debate since we last had to decide on some new desks! Early contenders the gingerbread men (spicy, you see) were nixed by the younger element in favour of some hip n happenin’ Oreos. These in turn were vetoed by Lord Spicer, he of the executive biscuit tin, in favour of the evergreen (or everbrown) Hob-Nob; chocolate or not. Confusion was added to proceedings when I swung in with an old-school fig roll request that was swiftly batted into the long grass by a cheeky prod from a chocolate finger advocate.

Which leaves us to now. We’re still undecided. On all other fronts we’re fully prepared – ready to dive in and engage with the region’s finest business minds. But we’re sharing a stand with a coffee connoisseur distributing her wares! And coffee demands biscuits. Spicer biscuits.
What would you choose?

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I would like to recommend Stuart Spicer as, like many other business owners, I have had to place my reputation at various times in the hands of a courier company. I have done just that with Stuart and emerged with my reputation intact. His company is conscientious, good at communication and friendly to boot. In the business community, knowing a company with the capability of Spicer International is essential. Store their number carefully in your little black book.
Roy Stannard