Packing Material Requirements

Packing Material Requirements

Post BREXIT there are new WOODEN PACKAGING material requirements for shipments going to the EC.

Wood packaging material must now meet ISPM15 International Standards when shipping to the EU from GB (excludes NI). This involves being heat treated and marked. Although with freight, this primarily applies to wooden pallets, it is needed for all raw wooden material over 6mm thick, so may include additional packaging. So if you use, produce or supply wood packaging material (WPM) to move goods to or from the EU or the rest of the world, you must make sure it meets international standards.

WPM includes:

  • packing cases
  • boxes
  • crates
  • drums and similar containers
  • pallets, box pallets, pallet collars and other load boards
  • dunnage (loose wood used to protect goods and their packaging)

The rules do not apply to processed, non solid WPM like plywood, raw wood that’s 6mm thick or less, barrels for wines and spirits or gift boxes made from processed wood, sawdust, shavings or cardboard (as packing material).

You will need to ensure any wood packaging is compliant, or you may consider using alternative materials; corrugated, plastics etc.

Find out if countries you’re exporting to require ISPM15 compliant WPM.

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