Crunch time at the Better Business Show!

Crunch time at the Better Business Show!

In our last blog, we mentioned our detailed preparations for the Adur and Worthing Better Business Show. Ardent Spicer blog devotees (and you are legion) may remember that a considerable chunk (chocolate chip, natch) of that blog was taken up by the monumental task of deciding the correct biscuits to adorn the Spicer stand. So before I press on with an overview of the show itself, it would be remiss of me not to mention which actual biscuits were utilised on the big day. So did we go for the youth vote by ordering some Oreos or did we plump for that reliable and eminently dunkable old favourite, the Digestive?

Well, we went for neither in the end. Instead, we decided to choose an archetype that matches our ethos: practical, straightforward, always making you come back for more. This biscuit would guarantee no fuss whatsoever whilst offering a promise of distant lands, easily traversable. Ladies and gents, I offer you the humble shortbread.  Yes, shortbread! (The fact it had to be the right size to accommodate our branded biscuit-toppers is beside the point).

But back to the show. Kicked off by the mighty lungs and bell-clanging prowess of Town Crier Bob Smytherman, Worthing Assembly Hall was full to the brim of eager businesses plying their wares. There were leisure specialists, transport mavens, insurance experts, coffee barons, photographic and print doyens, creative experts, delivery & storage specialists (that’s us, need to ask) and much more!

But not many biscuits. Oh yes, amidst the busy tableau of giveaway items I ventured upon complimentary wine gums,  stationary gifts and frivolous adornments – but not many biscuits. By midday, as our shortbread-festooned platter remained quite full I was wondering if we’d somehow misgauged the mood. Maybe as a delivery company we should’ve dipped into the realm of courtesy confectionary with a transport-themed pun.  After Freights anyone?

But the event itself was going roaringly, with Stuart welcoming enquiries (non-biscuit related) from the great and the good, whilst amassing a veritable tumulus of business cards and flyers from the many fleet-footed peddlers within his shortbread-endowed orbit. As Stuart was largely committed to the Spicer stand, I got in my digital car and drove over to Google’s Digital Garage for a couple of interesting presentations on maximising social media opportunities and telling your story online. It was all good stuff, plenty to get my teeth into, with the exception of a distinct lack of complimentary biscuits – so I think I missed a trick by not bringing our surfeit of shortbread with me to pass around. Matters weren’t helped by the speaker at these talks going under the name of Abbey, which just reminded me of another type of biscuit when it came to the crunch.

Back in the main hall I was pleasantly surprised to see that our biscuit supply had depleted but my suspicions were then aroused by some tell-tale crumbs decorating Stuart’s beard. In Shetland it used to be traditional to break a decorated shortbread cake over the head of a new bride on the threshold of her new home. Thankfully our esteemed boss hadn’t succumbed to adapting this tradition to include the biscuit-deprived bonces of various passers-by.

At the end of the day, as we packed up our wares and reflected on a positive event full of new faces and ideas, one object stood out from the surrounding debris. Yes, the magnificent platter of Spicer shortbread. Not so much a symbol of a failed engagement strategy but more a representation of its parent nation: proud, independent of spirit and rather tough round the edges.  

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I would like to recommend Stuart Spicer as, like many other business owners, I have had to place my reputation at various times in the hands of a courier company. I have done just that with Stuart and emerged with my reputation intact. His company is conscientious, good at communication and friendly to boot. In the business community, knowing a company with the capability of Spicer International is essential. Store their number carefully in your little black book.
Roy Stannard