And the award goes to….

And the award goes to….

And so it was that the great and the good of our local business scene came together on a cold Friday night in November to attend the 10th annual Adur and Worthing Business Awards. The sell-out ceremony, which took place in Worthing’s Pavilion Theatre, was attended by 370 guests to honour winners who were selected over 18 categories. And Spicer International was shortlisted for two!

Yes, for the second year running we were in the mix for the Best Customer Service and Best Medium Business awards. Last year we were very pleased to receive Highly Commended for Medium Business, and although everyone seemed to be underplaying this year’s prospects, the office was quietly buzzing during the days leading up to the event. 

A loose Friday-leaving schedule was sorted, with the girls from Hove departing early to get their frocks (and pre-drinks) in order, followed by a staggered exodus of menfolk. Last man standing in the office was our esteemed M.D, Stuart Spicer, no doubt sharing holding duties with many other clockwatching bosses who were open for business whilst still aiming to make the early 6:15pm start to the event.  

By the time the Spicer contingent bundled into the main reception area, the Pavilion was heaving and we were fortunate that Robin, one of our experienced drivers, used his finely-tuned navigational skills to carve a hasty route to the bar.  

All too soon it was time to be ushered into the 1920s splendour of the main dining area, where the food/alcohol ratio weighed heavily in favour of our dear old friend Dr Booze. And then the staged bowed to accommodate the unique wit and velvet jacket of our Master of Ceremonies, one Simon Hew Dalrymple Fanshawe OBE.  

As further drinks were quaffed, the categories were announced, winners were applauded, the Highly Commendeds were commended (highly) and suddenly it was time for the Customer Service nominees to be announced. So which table made the highest noise when its name was mentioned? I’ll give you a clue: it wasn’t any of the other 4 nominees in the category.  And then “The Highly Commended award goes to Spicer International!” Stuart dutifully and deservedly sashays to the stage to approving applause but of course there’s an abiding, niggling voice whispering into out collective lughole: “Wouldn’t it be nice to have won?”

But suddenly there are more drinks to imbibe, puddings to munch on and further awards to applaud. And didn’t they do well? And oh, there’s wotsername and wotsisface – haven’t seen them in ages, and another drink? Don’t mind if I do and did you hear about- oh, hang on, they’re announcing the Best Medium Business Nominees, so everyone be quiet! Shhh!

But were we quiet when our name was announced? Well, let’s just say that compared to us, New Year’s Eve celebrations are a Buddhist retreat. “And the winner of Best Medium Business this year goes to two companies…” A collective “Blimey” wafts around the tables. Dramatic pause. “5 Rings….and Spicer International!”  

And after that the evening became even more of a blur, I’m afraid.  More drinks were imbibed, taxis were summoned, stockinged feet stumbled home in the rain and Stuart Spicer was last seen grooving on the  ‘Bar 10’ dancefloor nursing his awards.

Never let anyone tell you that winning awards doesn’t mean anything!

“With over 25 years’ experience and expertise, Spicer International consistently offer first class customer service and put the needs of their customers first by offering professional, cost-effective solutions and services every time.”    Judges’ citation 

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twelve − ten =

We have worked with Spicer International for many years. They play a vital part in our business, keeping our import records in check, as well as sending and receiving our exports and imports that connect us to the world. Their attitude is that nothing is ever too much trouble and always follow through to ensure the job is completed, keeping us very happy indeed. I would highly recommend Spicer to any company out there who ships goods either within the UK or globally.
Gavin Comer, Aero Technics Ltd